
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

APB Ultimate 0.3.x

What doesn't work yet:
Auto Char Setup
Minimize to Tray option.

Also there is no additional asset functionality yet or extra feature functionality like buying materials/refining etc.

Here's the bot's thread at Ownedcore for reporting issues: APBU Thread

Current Version 0.3.9b:
Download Here
SHA-1 Hash of the archive: DC2ED3797DA6516CACBBD601409C4FDA3387F808

Known Issues:
--There's a very small memory leak in QtWebkit (about 60mb in 24 hours depending on setup/FP mode is affected more). I'm looking at it but it's not a priority right now due to it being very small.

Upgrading to new version:

Save Settings, Queues directories. Exported as well if you have exported queues there. Delete everything else and extract the files from the new version's archive.    

Thanks to "qmancan" for his donation. Beer and coffee keeps a coder working:)

All donators will be in the About box credits forever when I implement it! A little something to say thank you!

--Implemented about box.
--Experimental handling of your network dying while APBU is running.
--Move the cookie.jar file into the Settings directory in order to simplify upgrades. So now when upgrading you only need to keep Settings and Queues (Exported too if you're exporting queues in there). Before running this version move your cookie.jar file to the Settings directory so that you don't have to do One-Time again.

--Fixed an issue with settings not saving if closing the window with the X button.

--Implemented import/export functions.
--Added Relog delay setting. This now controls the Relog delay and is separate from the loop delay. Minimum value is 60 seconds.
--Added Internal Timeout setting. This now controls some of the internal loops that I had hardcoded to 10, to separate them from the Timeout setting. The minimum is 8. It can not and should not be reduced EVER. If you have bad network conditions or bad route to gateway, this is the first value that you should INCREASE and then the regular Timeout value. Your settings files will be automatically upgraded by this new version with the default values.
--Added mouseover tooltips to all the settings in the Settings window.

--Fixed issue with clicking the remove button twice in a row without clicking a task to remove in between.
--Fixed an issue with Reloging after timeout during switching characters introduced with the 0.3.4b changes.

--Fixed an issue with not handling gateway dropping session in a specific function.
--Some logging messages are now better.
--Added missing recipes. Only a few rares in Weaponsmithing missing now! (Thanks Darxide23!)

--Added additional and more descriptive logging messages at a specific point.
--Additional handling of gateway being funky.

--Delay setting is now Base Delay and a random number is applied to it.

--Reduced memory footprint.
--Fixed a slot misreporting in 3 log messages.

--Fixed a memory leak in the web browser engine. (Do not keep any dll from older versions).
--Timeouts while switching characters now handled properly.

--Log Window implemented.
--Added additional logging messages (more will be added as needed).
--Fixed issue with recipes with identical names in the same profession.
--Start button can not be pushed now if APBU is already running.
--Something I'm forgetting right now.

1 comment:

  1. this program 64-bit only...?
    coz I tried and got a warning
    "The Version of this file is not compatible with your windows"
    I'm using win 7 32-bit btw...
